International Academic Forum 2018 To Be Held In Anadolu University On 11 May 2018
TIDE – Academic Relations Committee (ARC) is carrying out its activities within the frame of the mission of developing and supporting relations with academicians, students, educational institutions, colleagues, business enterprises and public entities with a view to encouraging establishment of academic programs and job careers for further development of knowledge, skills and competences relating to the Internal Audit profession. To this end, Academic Forums are organized biennially by TIDE (The Institute of Internal Auditing – Turkey) in collaboration and cooperation with the Accounting Academicians’ Research and Collaboration Foundation (MÖDAV) and the University acting as the host of the International Academic Forum.
This biennial Academic Forum has previously been organized in Marmara University (2010), Istanbul University (2012), Galatasaray University (2014) and Boğaziçi University (2016) as the host thereof.
The International V. Academic Forum is to be held in Anadolu University on 11 May 2018 on the theme of “As a Real-Time Assurance Model: Continuous Auditing & Continuous Monitoring”.
Wishing to see you at the International V. Academic Forum in Eskişehir Anadolu University..
For further information please click here.